Rates and Booking
General rates tend to range between *$400 and $2,300+.
*Rates vary per event.
General Rate Guidelines
Rates vary by event with no cookie-cutter prices
because one size does not fit all events.
Priority availability and lower rates are made available for events that are:
Weekend anytime or Weeknight after 5:00 p.m.
In Denver proper
Piano provided by venue​
Rates are subject to tax and mileage.
Bookings in the
$400 Range
Weekend or weeknight performance
Piano provided by venue
Venue in Denver proper
30-to-90-minute ambient piano performance. (No set song lists.)
Non-wedding ceremony
Non-corporate event
Bookings in the
$1,350 Range
Weekend or weeknight performance
Piano provided by venue or digital piano rental, provided by performer
Venue in Denver proper
2+ hour-long ambient piano music performance
Corporate Event
Private Event
*Ceremony (set song list), Cocktail Hour and Dinner Reception
​​*Unlimited time is budgeted for Tanner Palmer to learn and perfect wedding ceremony music because learning music by ear and creating new musical arrangements of music takes "as long as it takes" due to the complexities of the artform.
Bookings in the
$2,300+ Range
Weekend, afternoon weekday, or weeknight performance
Piano not provided by the venue
Performer must provide digital piano and sound equipment:
Requires an additional 1 1/4 hours for equipment set up and take down
Venue in High Country
Requires additional preparations and travel time
*Wedding Ceremony (set song list), Cocktail Hour, and Dinner
​​​​*Unlimited time is budgeted for Tanner Palmer to learn and perfect wedding ceremony music because learning music by ear and creating new musical arrangements takes "as long as it takes" due to the complexities of the artform.
Rate Influences
Rates are determined by the necessary work for client expectations, and other industry standards including event date and availability. All bookings include a contract generation fee which Tanner Palmer and his clients both pay. Rates also mileage fees based on the IRS Standard Mileage Rate. These fees are included in the total rate and listed separately for clarity and convenience.
"As a wedding musician, I am constantly looking for ways to offer more to my clients. " - Tanner
Most people searching for live music will lead with the question "What are your rates"? There's a little more to generating accurate pricing than that. Tanner Palmer focuses on creating meaningful experiences and delivering quality work. He does not focus on having the lowest rates. Many long hours go into arranging, rehearsing, and perfecting music before Tanner even performs for wedding ceremonies, for example. Since Tanner plays the piano exclusively by ear and does not read music, his art is a labor of love.
Tanner will have follow-up questions:
What experience are you desiring?
Where is the venue?
Is it a private event or a corporate event? If corporate, what is the name of the business?
Is there a tuned piano on location or must Tanner provide his own digital piano and sound equipment?
Couture Services & Custom Rates
Tanner Palmer does not offer cookie-cutter, standardized pricing where one rate fits all occasions because every event and client has different needs and expectations. A brief phone conversation will easily help work through all the details needed to generate an accurate quote.
High Country Fee
Events in Colorado's High Country are assessed a High Country Fee and are reflected in the quote. This fee offsets the hours spent driving to and from the event, and other required planning associated with High Country travel. Events in High Country almost universally require a half or a full day of Tanner's time due to the nature of travel, distance, time, traffic, weather, etc. High Country Fees for events in High Country are an industry standard for Denver-centric event vendors.
Formal Agreement Generation & Booking Fees
After rates, timelines, and general terms have been agreed upon, Tanner Palmer will generate a formal agreement for both parties to enter into. Formal agreements are generated through a third-party booking website which Tanner pays to have a marketable presence on. The booking site offers Tanner's clients event protections which his clients appreciate.
Tanner's booking website assesses a rather small booking fee to Tanner and to his clients which is roughly 8.1% of Tanner's rate. Again, this booking fee is transparently shared between Tanner and his clients. To offer further transparency, Tanner includes the anticipated booking fee into any preliminary rate he gives prospective clients. The formal agreement will have all of the terms and conditions for Tanner's prospective clients to review before formally booking. The terms and conditions are industry-standard and tend to be rather boring. Nevertheless, there is time allotted to prospective clients to review every detail of the formal agreement before officially booking.
Most people have never booked a pianist before. It is Tanner's pleasure to help you through the booking process and make your experience positive. Performing the piano professionally for 30 years, Tanner carries a wealth of event planning knowledge.